MathFact Fluency Playground

Case Overview

MathFact Fluency Playground embarked on a mission to revolutionize math education for K-5 students. With a focus on enhancing math fluency, the company aimed to provide engaging resources and support for both teachers and students. The challenge was to create a platform that not only offered comprehensive materials but also fostered a community-driven approach to learning.

  • Web Development
  • Education
  • PHP + MySql
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The Brief.

MathFact Fluency Playground sought to develop a membership site offering a wide array of math fluency resources, including printables, games, and training materials. The platform needed to be user-friendly, compatible with various devices, and provide an ad-free experience. Additionally, the company aimed to empower teachers by offering practical courses and resources to enhance their math teaching skills.

Our Approach.

We began by conducting extensive research to understand the needs of both teachers and students in the realm of math fluency. Leveraging PHP and MySQL technologies, we designed a robust membership site that featured downloadable resources compatible with Google Suite. Our focus was on creating an intuitive interface for easy navigation and one-click access to materials. We curated engaging content, including flashcards, board games, and posters, to make math learning enjoyable for students. Furthermore, we developed mini-courses and video trainings to empower teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach math fluency.

The Results.

MathFact Fluency Playground's membership site exceeded expectations, garnering positive feedback from teachers and students alike. The ad-free experience coupled with one-click access to resources streamlined the learning process for users. Teachers reported increased confidence in teaching math fluency, thanks to the practical courses and training materials provided. Student engagement and math fluency levels saw a noticeable improvement, reflecting the efficacy of the platform. Partnering with school districts nationwide, MathFact Fluency Playground continues to make strides in advancing math education and empowering educators.

Decrease in bounce rate
Increase in average session duration
Increase in page views
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