Want To Boost your Small Business! Use UI/UX Design

The average time to stay on any website maybe be 10-20 seconds. More than 28% of people delete an app within two days of installing it. Why so? Poor UI / UX design (user interface/user experience design) is essential for your business. It can either make or break your brand. To improve the status of… Continue reading Want To Boost your Small Business! Use UI/UX Design

Design Trends in 2022

We all know that websites are the most crucial marketing channel for many businesses. All businesses must connect with their audience. Making a user-friendly website will help rank on search engine result pages and generate leads. The website will establish credibility as a business. In 2022 having a website and online presence strategy allows you… Continue reading Design Trends in 2022

10 HTML Elements You Didn’t Know You Need

I’ve heard that HTML is a straightforward language than other programming languages. HTML is the best and powerful markup language that helps build web application structure and provides accessibility benefits. We know the classic tags that we used regularly like p for paragraph.  h1-h6 for headline size, nav for navigation, article for bloger, news articles,… Continue reading 10 HTML Elements You Didn’t Know You Need

10 Bootstrap Classes

What is Bootstrap! Bootstrap is a free, open-source CSS framework directly responsive for mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS and JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components. Bootstrap is an HTML, CSS, and JS Library that focuses on simplifying the development of informative web pages as opposed to web… Continue reading 10 Bootstrap Classes