Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Dev Company To Find Out If They Are Good For You

The beginning of a software development project is full of unanswered questions. We have been asked all kinds of questions by potential customers. Based on these experiences, here are five questions to help you decide which software company would be your best partner. 1. What steps or Processes do you follow to ensure you fully… Continue reading Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Dev Company To Find Out If They Are Good For You

Go -To-Market Strategies you Should Know

One of the challenges businesses faces is that of launching a product. Companies feel that all they need is a comprehensive marketing strategy. But launching a product or entering a new geography requires a unique approach. Creating a go-to-market strategy is essential for established companies as brand-new entrepreneurial endeavour’s. In this article, you’ll learn more… Continue reading Go -To-Market Strategies you Should Know

How Much of Your Bandwidth Should The MVP Development Take?

When we meet many entrepreneurs who want to create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), we are asked two fundamental questions after discussing the idea and product for 10 to 30 minutes. How Much? And How Many Days? Let’s Take A look! What is an MVP? A Minimum Viable Product is a basic, launchable version of… Continue reading How Much of Your Bandwidth Should The MVP Development Take?