10 Things to know to Develop a Magento Store

Launching a Magento 2 store isn’t simple — it’s more than a website; it’s a complicated online business, with all business procedures carefully considered before going digital. You’d agree if you’re one of the lucky ones who’s moved a site to a different platform before. If not, this article will assist you in considering all… Continue reading 10 Things to know to Develop a Magento Store

Mobile Commerce and Mobile Payment

Mobile devices are gaining popularity day by day. In particular, smartphones are generally an excellent option for digital financial transactions, digital shopping, and payment, as consumers always have their device/ mobile phones to hand and are very familiar with them. Today we are talking about mobile commerce and mobile payment. Most people think that mobile… Continue reading Mobile Commerce and Mobile Payment

Top 5 Payment Gateways

Payment is one of the critical factors in online business. A payment gateway is a Merchant service provided by an e-commerce application service provider. Payment gateways authorize credit or debit card payment processing for e-businesses bricks clicks or traditional brick and mortar. The gateway is not elaborate involved in the money flow, and typically, it… Continue reading Top 5 Payment Gateways

10 Magento Plugins

In 2019, Magento was utilized by approximately 250,000 e-commerce sites, accounting for roughly 1% of all websites on the Internet. That’s quite astounding, considering the Internet’s total number of web pages is around 1.5 billion. Magento is famous for various reasons, including its flexible content management features, mobile and SEO compatibility, and bespoke integrations. And… Continue reading 10 Magento Plugins

What is Big Data?

Big data are defined as more diverse data, arriving in more significant volumes and incredible velocity. Big Data refers to larger, more complicated data sets, particularly those derived from new data sources because these data sets are so large, data processing technologies can’t handle them. What is E-Commerce? Electronic commerce (eCommerce) is a business strategy… Continue reading What is Big Data?

Migrating from Magento 1.x to Magento 2.x

Now it is the end of July 2019, almost less than a year to upgrade your existing Magento 1.x store to the latest Magento 2.x. According to BuiltWith, total 192,784 live websites are using Magento in which 65,018 Magento websites are in the US. In this article, we will focus on the necessity and steps towards… Continue reading Migrating from Magento 1.x to Magento 2.x